Testing BIM4Ren tools in the dwelings of the Spanish pilot Yesterday testing activities for the BIM4Ren tools in the dwelings of the Spanish pilot were carried out involving caia, November 16, 2021
Sustainable Places 2021: BIM4Ren at the Renovation Cases and Tools paper session The 2021 edition of the Sustainable Places conference was held as a hybrid (digital + in person) event from 28th September November 5, 2021
Digitalization Tools for Energy-Efficient Renovations The article is Open Access. It was originally published here: Link to article. Digital transformation in the built February 11, 2021
BIM4ren Internal Training: BIMSolar In a context where digital and remote exchanges are becoming increasingly important, the European BIM4Ren project develops a December 30, 2020
BIM4Ren – Newsletter #002 – December 2020 The Horizon 2020 project BIM4Ren, already two years in the rear-view mirror! This second year was led on December 14, 2020
Digitalization to Support the Data Acquisition Phase: BIM4Ren Delivers its 2nd Webinar! In a context where digital and remote exchanges are becoming increasingly important, the European BIM4Ren project has launched November 27, 2020
Webinar #1: Meet BIM4Ren, Easy-to-use BIM tools for renovation In a context where digital and remote exchanges are becoming increasingly important, the European BIM4Ren project has launched June 4, 2020
Conclusions and Main Outcomes of WP1 “Operational Framework for a Digital Driven Renovation ID Process” The first Work Package (WP1) of the Horizon 2020 project BIM4Ren has recently been concluded. The main milestone December 10, 2019
EBC Kick-off Press Release The first press release was written by the partners of the consortium, led by EBC and finalized on February 5, 2019