BIM4Ren OSAP is launched!

The final BIM4Ren platform is available in its beta-version thanks to the effort of the consortium and in particular of Ecowise Ltd. The One-Stop Access Platform has been built to be:

  1. a unique entrypoint to all the software services developed during the BIM4Ren project
  2. a common data environment for renovation project

The OSAP is made of different functionalities; as an initial phase, an end-user needs to create a project, describing shortly the building, its location and the goals and constraints associated (such as the will to integrate PV panels, the impossibility to install an external façade insulation, the overall budget…).

Once created, different documents can already be uploaded and stored onto the platform to facilitate collaboration between stakeholders through the centralization of the information.

Once the project starts, users are ready to use the different software that available. To help end users in choosing the right tools that answer their needs, we created typical workflows that describe how different tools can be used along a project, to facilitate the creation of a BIM model and its exploitation.

All tools are fully documented with links to online tutorial videos when available, and a short explanation of their main functionalities.

If you want to know more about it, you can either directly visit the platform website at and register for testing or contact us at!
