BIM-Based Tools for Fast & Efficient Renovation
BIM4REN is a H2020 funded project involving 23 partners spread across 10 countries for a 4 year long series of developments on the topic of the exploitation of BIM potential for the energy renovation of existing buildings for the whole construction value chain.
Latest news
We frequently publish news and articles to keep you informed of our latest findings and progress.

BIM4Ren Open Letter
How to get engaged and raise the awareness across Europe on the BIM technology BIM4Ren project aims to raise the

The legacy of BIM4Ren project is available online
The BIM4Ren (BIM4RENOVATION) project has just ended and its legacy is really relevant affecting the whole building industry. BIM is currently the

BIM4Ren OSAP is launched!
The final BIM4Ren platform is available in its beta-version thanks to the effort of the consortium and in particular of Ecowise

Training session in Paris on the 14th of September
On the 14th of September, BIM4Ren partners organized a one day training session in Paris in CSTB premises. The goal was
The Digitalization Challenge
For this reason, our project will define digital ready renovation workflows adapted to the construction sector needs and elaborate an open, decentralized BIM environment as strong innovative basis for the core developments.
Methodologies, processes and hard technologies will be developed for data collection, data management and data driven design.
Finally a One Stop Access Platform will integrate all technologies as a single entry point to all end users. Impact will be ensured through standardization activities, training of hand-crafters and SMEs and demonstration on pilots used as living labs.
4 Strong Innovation Levels
Digital Driven Workflows
Development of BIM based workflows dedicated to the renovation of residential buildings adapted to the complexity of targets of construction sector and put into a systematic and integrated workflows (IDDS).
BIM4Ren Tools & Digital Environment
One Stop Access Platform
Pilots as Living Labs
Project pilots are used as a user-centred, open-innovation ecosystem with co-creation, exploration, experimentation and evaluation of the deployed tools.
At BIM4Ren we know that more energy-efficient buildings require innovative and adapted methods and tools for construction professionals, especially SMEs, and efficient, collaborative processes throughout the construction value chain.

Data Collection
Collection of heterogenous information about existing buildings into digitalized data.

Data Management
To create a BIM model and then organise, consolidate and secure the data.

Data-Driven Design
Analysis of technical and economic potential. Generation of renovation scenarios.
A digital ready renovation workflow based on stakeholders elicitations. A novel, state of the art, open, decentralized environment.
That are articulated around Data Collection, Data Management and Data-Driven Design. That make the most of the potential of BIM. That are adapted to the size, capacity and ambition of the project.
Through pilots as living labs for user-centred, open innovation ecosystems. By contributing to standardization bodies as BuildingSmart. Helping train a new generation of workers to the use of BIM tools.
Our Objectives
The construction sector and specially SME contractors all around Europe can be key actors of both the green and digital revolution, by considering them alongside building residents, as a fundamental part of the new open innovation trends underpinning co-design and co-creation of the built environment.
BIM is the cornerstone. By putting in the hands of every kind of construction actor the adequate BIM based digital tools to improve their efficiency, they can address the most important challenge of the climate change fight: the refurbishment of the existing building.
On the basis of easy access, quick and straightforward operation, affordability and fast ROI with adapted business models, BIM4REN will be able to deliver an independent and collaborative service platform for all stakeholders to efficiently communicate and to optimize the management tasks and quality checks, during the supply or preparation phase, during the execution phase and further commissioning and operation.
More BIM4Ren
Learn more of who we are and how we will help build a more energy efficient construction sector.

Meet the 23 partners.

We provide demonstration at three pilot sites: Paris, San Sebastian and Venice.

News, Events & Press Releases to keep up-to-date with BIM4Ren and the construction sector.

Come take a look at the projects documents, deliverables, articles & publications!.