BIM4Ren’s final results and training material have been disseminated last 14 September, in the occasion of a BIM4Ren training day which took place in Lecco, Italy.
Last 14 September, EBC co-organized, along with its Italian member Anaepa Confartigianato, and in collaboration with GBC Italia, NOBATEK/Inef4, R2M Solution, ATI Project and CMB Carpi, the second Italian BIM4Ren training day in Lecco. The event gathered more than 80 participants among industry professionals, architects, policy makers and students who attended the meeting both in presence and online.

During the conference session dedicated to BIM4Ren titled “Opportunities and challenges of digitalisation for construction SMEs and craftsmen – a European perspective”, the partners NBK, EBC, R2M Solution and GBC Italia, presented BIM4Ren final results, training and advocacy material, highlighting the importance of the BIM methodology for the energy requalification of the building stock in Europe and how SMEs in the construction sector can welcome BIM and digital tools embracing the opportunities and facing the challenges for the construction industry brough by the twin digital and green transitions.

The workshop session included presentations from R2M, ATI project and CMB Carpi and BIM4ren on the following tools and methodologies, with a particular attention devoted to easy-to-use & accessible BIM tools particularly adapted to smaller construction enterprises:
- Matterport
- BIM BEM Interoperability
- CAIA, Plans2BIM, BIMSolar
Considering the need for the sector to attract youth and for an up-skilling & re-skilling of the existing workforce, it is worth nothing the high affluence to the event of architects (who joined in presence), industry professionals, and students (who attended online).