Taking benefits of the Sustainables Places conference in Nice, the BIM4Ren consortium organized its last general assembly on the 8th of September in a hybrid mode. It was time to look back at all the work done in the last 4 years, and pack everything up in different ways.
First of all, Ekodenge made a demonstration of the OSAP, the final platform which acts as a single entrypoint for all the tools developed within the project. The platform offers functionalities to create renovation projects, use the different tools as services, share documentation and information, and follow specific renovation workflows. All partners created an account and could test the different functionalities to provide feedbacks so Ekodenge could perform the last improvements and corrections.

Another formal output of the project is the Whitepaper on BIM for renovation, as a way to formalize and deliver all the experiments, expertise acquired and lessons learnt during the project, to the widest audience possible. An initial version of the whitepaper has been finalized and printed versions were distributed during the Sustainable Places conference; the whitepaper is now being improved with additional testimonies from partners and from external persons, the so-called advocates that were contacted by our partner GBC Italy, who is working on this advocacy campaign. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate to all actors of the sector how BIM can and should be used in energy-efficient projects, and to get the support of decision and policy-making organizations to facilitate its usage.

Finally, our discussions focused on the last events and communication activities that are being made for the project; despite the short time left, we have an ambitious plan with conferences (EUSEW 2022, SBE in Delft, BIM Conference in Athens), training activities (in France and Italy), a webinar on the pilot sites activities… and the creation of website that will live after the project. This website will be used to promote the BIM4Ren tools and methodologies, but will also contain the whitepaper and all public material that can be helpful for those who want to start using BIM in renovation, as well as training programs.