Join Us for Our 1st Webinar! BIM methods and tools have an increasing impact in the construction sector to help improve the productivity and April 30, 2020
Interview: Prof. Jakob Beetz // RWTH Aachen University In a few words, who are you and what are your professional pursuits? I am passionate about the April 27, 2020
BIM4REN WP1 Results @ BUILD-UP! BUILD-UP, the European portal for Energy Efficiency in buildings, recently dedicated an article in their website to BIM4Ren April 22, 2020
1st Newsletter – Meet Our Coordinator 1st newsletter of the BIM4Ren is now published and accessible from our website here. A series of news January 6, 2020
Special Honourable Mention for BIM4Ren at Digital & BIM Italia 2019 Our partner R2M Solution was awarded a special honourable mention for most innovative digital technologies for the construction December 19, 2019
Conclusions and Main Outcomes of WP1 “Operational Framework for a Digital Driven Renovation ID Process” The first Work Package (WP1) of the Horizon 2020 project BIM4Ren has recently been concluded. The main milestone December 10, 2019
First Year of The BIM4Ren Project! The BIM4Ren project held its third General Assembly from October 1st to the 3rd, organised by TNO at November 11, 2019
Living Labs Kick-off (III): Tech Set-up at the French Pilot Site On the 23rd of July, the BIM4Ren project French partners (Nobatek/INEF, CSTB, EDF, EnerBIM, WiseBIM) all met in July 31, 2019
BIM4REN Presents at REbuild in Milan Last June 26th, GBC Italia and R2M Solution had the opportunity to present BIM4Ren at the 8th edition July 5, 2019