The BIM4Ren project held its third General Assembly from October 1st to the 3rd, organised by TNO at their premises at the TU Delft University Campus. The consortium gathered in order to discussed the results achieved and to continue establishing what its necessary to implement at the Core Layer of the BIM4Ren solution and to elucidate the functionalities needed to make further decisions on the technologies that will be deployed.
This meeting also marked the first year of our project, which started in October 2018.

At the beginning of the meeting , project coordinator Nobatek presented the current situation regarding the global specifications of the BIM4Ren platform, in term of users, functionalities per users, workflow, integration of the modules, and articulation of the overall solution for the specific energy modelling scenario. This information update was followed by the current challenges on the data model (extension specific to renovation use cases).
During this productive meeting, significant progress was made regarding the core technology needed for the platform. In this sense, two diagrams were presented for two distinct proposals on how to update an IFC file from a model, stored in a triple store, and updated through the CesiumJS tool developed by CSTB.
Additionally, 4 workshops where held during the meeting. The first workshop focused on the pilot use cases based in France, Italy and Spain. The second workshop was about functionalities from the point of view of the end users while the third workshop endeavoured to identify missing needs from final users and to identify potential tools and developments that can be done on the BIM4Ren platform. The last workshop was about synergies and standardisation processes.
All in all, two very intense and productive days that have brought the BIM4Ren partners one step closer in the design of the tools and technologies that will allow us to help the construction sector to better exploit the potential of BIM for renovation!