BUILD-UP, the European portal for Energy Efficiency in buildings, recently dedicated an article in their website to BIM4Ren and the conclusions and main outcomes from our first work package (WP1). This work package was led by our partner TECNALIA and focused on the definition of a framework for a digitally driven BIM-based renovation process conceived under the Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions (IDDS) approach.
IDDS is a methodology very relevant to the sustainability and digital transformation of the construction sector. It can help bridge the gaps existing in the renovation process due to lack of standardisation by taking into account collaborative work processes, professional skills, integrated data, information, and knowledge management to minimize structural and process inefficiencies and to enhance the value delivered during design, build, and operation, and across projects.
IDDS is a methodology very relevant to the sustainability and digital transformation of the construction sector. It can help bridge the gaps existing in the renovation process due to lack of standardisation.
The framework conceived by this work package also covers the specifications developed for the integration of tools & services in the BIM4REN digitalized renovation workflows.
Make sure to head over to the Build-Up article to read more about the work done by our partners or follow the links below to download the two public documents produced by the workpackage: