Last October, Luxembourg was the place to be for everyone interested in R&D for digital solutions for the construction sector. The LIST (Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology) was hosting two major events in the domain: CIB-W78, the long-standing yearly conference on digital technologies for the AEC domain; and LDAC, the workshop on the use of Linked Data in Architecture and Construction. And BIM4Ren was present almost every day!
Indeed, Pierre Bourreau (Nobatek/INEF4) and Jirky Oraskari (CAAD RWTH) presented a joint article at LDAC on converting OWL-formatted IFC models into W3C Linked Buillding Data models through inference under the Jena open source triple store. Oliver Schultz also presented an OWL version of the BCF (BIM Collaboration Format), a technology that will be used in BIM4Ren in conjunction with the CAIA tool developed by Oliver, to store proofs of evidence of works during the construction phase. During the CIB-W78 conference, Madhumitha Senthilvel presented her work on using during Linked Data technologies to deploy common data environment. And finally, Jirky Oraskari presented some works to bridge the traditional BIM world with its Linked Data counterpart, by detailing how SHACL can be used in LD modelling as MVD (Model View Definition) is in openBIM.

Stay tuned… and don’t forget to explore this site for more information and input opportunities.