Taking advantage of the fact that the BIM4Ren consortium got together for their general assembly on May 14th and 15th at Tecnalia premises in Derio (Spain) to follow up on the progress made since the start of the project, the partners had a fruitful discussion regarding important technical solutions for the immediate development of the platform. Two days with four workshops where the focus was put on exploring ideas in relation to the workflows, exchange requirements and key performance indicators (KPI). Previously, the information gathered from the pilot sites findings in Spain, France and Italy, as well as the survey carried out in relation to BIM adoption among renovation interested parties informed the consortium on stakeholders’ requirements.
All attendants were divided into three groups in order to optimize resources and extract as much information as possible.

During the First Workshop participants discussed about workflows and exchange requirements. They also had an interesting debate regarding the formulation of the KPIs. The findings about the first workshop were presented to the assembly in the afternoon.
During the Second Workshop the focus was on the definition of the BIM4Ren workflows from the perspective of the high-end and low-end points. The groups were also presented with specific information about the pilots and its applications. On top of that, exploring the construction of overall workflows and mapping the exchange requirements were further discussed. At the end of the session the findings on the workshop were presented to the assembly.
The Third Workshop, held on the second day, was dedicated to participants carrying on exploring on the definition of BIM4Ren workflows. Then consortium members moved on to introducing BIM4Ren tools into the workflows. Attendants ended the morning session with a discussion about the inferred requirements for the tools.
At the Fourth Workshop the team was engaged in discussions about technical specifications and also in the review and collection of IO. On a second stage of the workshop, participants were having a conversation about WP7 in relation to pilots as Living Labs.
The results from all workshops were presented to the general assembly before closing the meeting. All the information gathered during these two-days workshops will help implementing of the work plan for the next months. Framed under efforts carried out in WP1 dedicated to the Operational Framework for a digital driven renovation ID process, the workshops helped develop thorough analysis of the end-user requirements and constraints in the renovation process and its digitalization. These inputs serve to define the different components of BIM4Ren within WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5.