In the last article we presented the BIM4REN Stakeholder Community, whose main goal is to foster interactions between all the project partners and you (if you missed the article catch it up here!).
As you may remember, there are 3 possible ways to interact with the relevant actors among which you can choose the one more suitable for you:
- Follower
- BIM4Ren Stakeholder
- Early Adopter of our platform and tools
If being Follower is perfect if you are just curious and you want to keep a low level of engagement, the other two solutions will certainly provide you with a more active role.
This week we present the Stakeholder option. The latter should definitely be your choice if you are willing to participate actively in the activities of BIM4Ren but still without a primary role.
What does it mean to be a BIM4Ren Stakeholder?
Specifically, by joining us as a BIM4Ren Stakeholder, in addition to receiving the Followers’ pack, you will have the opportunity to:
- Participate in dedicated workshops to validate the BIM4Ren findings
- Participate in demonstrations organised in the BIM4Ren pilots in France, Italy, and Spain
- Review the demos and videos dedicated to BIM4Ren tools and methods
Join the B4R Stakeholders Community!