With the final month of the project approaching, BIM4Ren has in store an extensive calendar of interesting events for its diverse community of stakeholders.
So, let’s take stock of the situation before the summer break and mark your calendars in order not to miss out these unique chances of training, networking and discussion on BIM and on the opportunities and challenges of digitalization in Construction.
Here is a foretaste of September events’ schedule:
- 7 September, 10.15-11.45, Nice (France)
Joint workshop with sister projects @ Sustainable Places 2022- “Digitisation of the building sector, a key enabler of the renovation wave”
During the workshop, digital construction experts and representatives of four different EU-funded projects (BIM4Ren, BIM-SPEED, BIMERR and Growing Circle) focusing on the application of BIM and circular methods to energy-efficient renovations will discuss the ever-present topic of digitisation of the construction sector.
For the full agenda and to register click here.

- 8 September, Nice (France)
Final BIM4Ren General Assembly
The BIM4Ren partners will gather for one last meeting before the official end of the project on 30 September. The last General Assembly, hosted at the CSTB premises, will be the occasion to take stock of all the project achievements over the years and to complete the last ongoing activities.
- 14 September – French and Italian BIM4Ren Training Days
9.00-16.30, Paris (France)
French Training Day: “BIM & Energy Renovation”
The programme of this training day, organised by NOBATEK/INEF4 and CSTB, will include an introduction to the general issues of energy renovation of existing buildings, BIM and its applications and how it lends itself particularly well to a renovation project; presentations of developments for the digitisation of existing buildings; evaluation of different renovation scenarios… and a case study of applications on residential buildings of POLYLOGIS/LOGIREP in Joinville.To register click here.

10.00-17.00, Lecco (Italy)
Italian Training Day: “The digitisation of the construction industry, the role of BIM”
ANAEPA Confartigianato, in collaboration with EBC and GBC, and with the support of Confartigianato Imprese Lecco, is organising this free training day, which will present the opportunities that digitization systems offer in the field of Construction, both from the point of view of craft enterprises and for the interaction on site with the professional figures involved. It will be an opportunity to approach realities of excellence in the BIM sector, proposing some tangible testimonials and experiences using advanced tools that can be concretely applied to operational reality. The idea of a moment of sharing ideas also with colleagues from other international realities, wants to stimulate the audience to a process of change that is much more usable than one can imagine.
To register click here.

- 26 September, Brussels (Belgium) & online – Final BIM4Ren day
BIM4Ren session @ EUSEW 2022 (TBC) + 6th and last BIM4Ren webinar
As an official conclusion of the project, the consortium is organising a “final BIM4Ren day”, with the aim of showcasing the political and practical results achieved by the project over the past four years.
The first moment of the day will be a policy discussion session to be held in the context of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2022, major event dedicated to renewable energy and energy efficiency organised annually by the European Commission and presenting focusing this year on “Going green and digital for Europe’s energy transition”. In this framework, the BIM4Ren’ session will aim at raising awareness on existing easy-to-use digital tools for the construction sector and skills needed by construction SMEs to effectively implement the Renovation Wave and the EU green deal objectives.
The second moment of the day, continuing its series of webinars dedicated to BIM innovations for energy renovation projects, will be the sixth and last BIM4Ren webinar, which will be devoted to presenting the results and application of B4R tools and methods in the project’s pilots in France, Italy and Spain.
The full agenda and the registration form will be available soon, stay tuned!